دوره حضوری PHP Web Development

دوره حضوری PHP Web Development

خلاصه دوره آنلاین برنامه نویسی PHP:

This hands on PHP Programming course provides the knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic, database-driven Web pages using PHP. PHP is a language written for the Web, quick to learn, easy to deploy and provides substantial functionality required for e-commerce. This course introduces the PHP framework and syntax and covers in depth the most important techniques used to build dynamic Web sites. Students learn how to connect to any modern database, and perform hands on practice with a MySQL database to create database-driven HTML forms and reports. E-commerce skills including user authentication, data validation, dynamic data updates, and shopping cart implementation are covered in detail. Course elements include implementing RESTful servers for newer more data driven sites. Comprehensive hands on exercises are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and develop real competency.

مدت دوره:

48 ساعت

پيش نياز:

Basic computer skills and knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Prior programming experience is helpful but not required.


For people interested in designing and developing powerful websites and server-side software.

اهداف دوره :

• Scenario presentation and analysis for All of the projects
• Design and development of the Website and server-side software
• Design and development of web services for web applications and mobile applications

سرفصل دوره :

- Conceptual Study of Web Structure
- Overview of programming concepts
- PHP installation and running
- Variable and Data Types
- Function / String Helper Functions / Array Helper Functions
- PHP SuperGlobals
- Form Request
- State Managing with Cookie and Session
- Files and Permission
- Headers
- Email, Time
- Encryption
- Error and Exception
- Overview of the Data Storage Mechanism
- Overview of the Object Orientation Programming
- OOP, Class, Object, Property, Method, Constant
- Static, Magic Constant, Magic Methods
- Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation
- Autoloading, SPL
- Namespace, Use, PSR7
- Serialization, JSON
- Security, SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF
- Create Stable/Secure web application in business-level
- Overview of design pattern
- Overview of MVC architectural pattern
- Install and develop one of the High levels PHP frameworks (Laravel)

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